Saturday 17 May 2008

When the chips are down

I apologise profusely for not posting sooner but the kitchen has been preparing for an international commercial review. The result was an almost unheard of 90% so a large quantity of cane spirit ( aka Rum) has already been consumed prior to blogging. I must, as a matter of public knowledge, thank the boss for keeping me fed on good food this week as I've concentrated more and more on the big task. Without her effort it wouldn't have happened. Thank you. So now you know who is the genius in the monkey house kitchen. Not me. The boss.


C said...

Brilliant :D
Congratulations on the good score! Hope to see you guys before you flee the country to get hitched. :)

Pebble said...

Thank you. It's good to see that working like a dog brings rewards. Who needs a protestant work ethic when you can be catholic??? Hope to catch up as well before we head out. I hear there was discussion about it today.