Sunday 25 January 2009

The dark and stormy sea

Last night I was in The Gallows Bird in Espoo for their real ale festival. I arrived a little too late as by the time I got there they had run out of real ale! However I did enjoy one or two glasses with friends who were on good form. I did however have a Cinderella moment just before midnight and suddenly left before the bus or I turned into a pumpkin! On the way home I plugged in the iPod and listened to some good music. There was something very peaceful about watching a snowy late night Helsinki pass me by through the window to the soundtrack of some cracking songs. If I woke any neighbours with my singing as I walked the last 500m I apologise.

Today I was out skiing (again) only this time with Tom & Hanna who showed me round the back of Paloheinä so weather permitting tomorrow I should be able to ski for several hours without ever having to repeat myself.

This evening we dipped into Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries which we have used as a source of inspiration for the last two years and made some chicken patties. I got into trouble with the boss for leaving out potatoes from the finished dish but I enjoyed the chance to serve the patties with some leeks fried in butter and thyme and some steamed vegetables.

I was trying to finish the Kalevala this evening with the TV on and a salad dressing caught my attention. I think the ingredients were ginger, garlic, grated cucumber and soy sauce. If I missed anything it is close enough for me to work with. The question now is when will we eat this salad? The menu for next week is written and so far no salad. I might solve that problem wandering down the road at 1am singing for the benfit of the neighbours.

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