Thursday, 5 April 2007

The kitchen's a thumping

Easter. Get away, relax, out in the fresh air. Eat. Drink. Be merry.

Cook. Cook. Cook.

Freinds are arriving this evening and we're off for 4 days exploring the wilds of Norway. We know where we're heading has the most insignificant of kitchens so it's being a day of prep prep prep.

Today the Kitchen has produced:

Choclate cake
Fresh pesto sauce
Garam Masala
Chicken Korma
Chicken and potato pie
4 loaves of bread
8 Choclate brioches are on the way
Lunch for us.
500ml of good chicken stock for future use in a risotto or something equally good

The Curry was made from scratch, no preprepared sauces, no nothing just me and a load of ingredients.

I know we eat too much in this house in a general most people in the western world eat too much kind of way but we try to waste nothing and mostly it's a success.

Eat like a king, just don't throw it out like an idiot.

Hopefully we'll get some pictures up soon so you can see that I like my bread looking rustic!!

Remember never buy frozen pizza....

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