Monday 2 April 2007

Monkey House restaurant

Deb has suggested some sort of Nigel Slateresque Kitchen Diaries for our own good selves. This is not a bad idea but I'm not sure how to go about it...a litany of everything we eat for dinner doesn't seem that interesting per se but it's clear there is some mileage in the subject. I've thought about a ratings system so I can score meals as well...for example pasta scores x and noodles scores make it more fun and also be a little discerning about what we eat. Let's deal with some subjective facts here; we think we eat healthily. Now the question is do we?
Let's find out.
Tonights dinner was
Entrecote served with pan fried red onions, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms accompanied by mashed potatoes and spinach.
So let's see...
Rare steak...not good in large quantities
Rest is pretty OK.
So the challenge now is to balance it...time to dig out the lentils..

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